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what is Meditation?

Become more aware of your thoughts and shift from low vibrational to positive ones. Meditation is a mindfulness practice that can assist with quickly grounding you, by teaching you to connect the mind, body, heart and soul. It brings us back to our basic awareness and helps us to be more present, especially in a world that can be chaotic. The use of visualization, sounds and sensory techniques are often used. For beginners, it is recommended to practice in a quiet and comfortable space. However, as you implement this important practice into your life, you will be able to ground yourself in noisy places, too.

what is Guided Meditation?

A PI practitioner will guide you through specific techniques, using breathwork, visualization and sensory techniques, to promote greater connection to your mind and body. You will leave deeply relaxed, grounded and with a more open heart. All experiences are unique to each person. Prior to  booking, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you might have.

benefits of Meditation

• Reduces blood pressure
• Promotes emotional health and well being
• Brings greater awareness of behavioral patterns, moods and clarity
• Decreases emotional, mental, physical and energetic impacts of stress
• Spiritual awareness


Distant Reiki is best for clients who desire a mild, but powerful energy performed on them via a practitioner, while in a comfortable, uninterrupted space. If you have been feeling sick, unbalanced, suffer from anxiety, sadness, anger, having trouble sleeping or concentrating, this healing could highly benefit you.

A Guided Meditation is best for those wishing to strengthen the connection with their intuition, reduce anxiety when life throws curve balls, start the day in a calmer state of mind or simply elevate your vibration spiritually, emotionally and physically. As you add mindfulness to your daily practice; experiences, people, career paths, etc. that are aligned with your frequency, will be called in. Stagnant energies will dissipate, making way for new growth.

request a discovery call

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