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frequently asked questions

  • Is there any paperwork involved?
    Yes. You will be sent an intake form and waiver to review, fill out and sign, prior to receiving any services.
  • What forms of payment are accepted?
    CC’s via PayPal
  • Can I just hire you for personal training without energy work services?
    Yes, but inquiry about your goals and mindset, will be imperative, prior to starting a program.
  • Do you work with pregnant women?
    Not at this time. I would prefer to work with you, in person.
  • Do you work with people over the age of 65?
    Yes. Some of my most active clients are in their late 70’s.
  • What if I have injuries? Can I still workout?
    Yes. Written consent from your doctor (s) or licensed physical therapist and their contact information, must be submitted. Then, I will work with your medical team, on devising an appropriate training program to support your rehabilitation.
  • What is a remote workout session like and how do I prepare?
    These sessions will be via Zoom or FaceTime (pre-discussed) with audio and video on. All sessions will start with a light warm-up in your workout space (indoor or outdoor) and then proceed into the exercises and end with light stretching. For clients doing the 90 minute workout, the last 30 minutes will include a guided meditation with breathwork. It is recommended to wear sneakers, comfortable, breathable and flexible workout attire. During stretching, myofascial release, meditations and energy healing sessions, shoes are not required.
  • What is a remote energy session like and how do I prepare?
    Please find a dimly lit room in your home or a comfortable space, free from distractions. Wear whatever makes you feel cozy and unrestricted. It is helpful to write down any thoughts or questions, that you might have. Be open and release yourself from expectations. Sessions are generally audio-only, to give you more privacy, but upon request, video can be used. Prior to the session, the practitioner will ask for your permission to do the energy work. During a session, you may fall asleep, go into a deep state of relaxation, have unusual thoughts or sensations, while the energy runs. This is all normal and fine. At the end of the session, you will be slowly guided back to consciousness and we will discuss any questions or feelings that surfaced.
  • Do you accept insurance?
    Unfortunately, we are unable to accept insurance at this time. However, your company may have a reimbursement program for health/wellness services. Please be sure to check with your Human Resources department beforehand and save any receipts.
  • Do you provide in-person healings or workouts, as well?
    Not at this time. Although I am trained to work with clients in person and remotely, all services are remote-only, for now.
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