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Enhance Your Energy! Inside + Out

Virtual Wellness and Mindfulness Coaching

one on one + groups

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Welcome to Primal Inergy, a conscious lifestyle brand, taking a holistic approach to personal training and wellness. Everything is energy!

Our goal is to help you efficiently utilize energy not only to attain your fitness goals, but to enhance your life. We'll assist you with identifying mental blocks that might be holding you back,  physically and emotionally. Our high vibrational training style will maximize your time and energy, while pushing you out of your comfort zone.

Amazing results! In early 2020, not only had I gotten engaged to my boyfriend, but I had just joined an upscale gym. Then, we got hit with the pandemic and gyms closed. After a few months of trying to re-adjust to pandemic life, anxiety, weight gain and loss of hope started to set in. A few weeks later, a colleague of mine referred me to Jodi

Christy, 31 — New York, NY

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